Elementary Classes

The First and Second grade curriculums are designed to impact knowledge and skills to successfully prepare all of our students for the real world. It produces learners, who can think deeply and solve problems. In addition, we provide an authentic learning environment, where students can apply their learned skills and knowledge to solve day-to-day challenges and develop meaningful solutions.

Over twelve subjects are taught on a daily basis, including language arts, reading, science, social studies, math, and geography.

The mastery of multiplication and division, cursive writing, the parts of speech and the composition of the formal paragraph are just a fraction of their educational foundation. With our effective techniques, we incorporate the three major components of instructions, learning objectives, assessments and instructional activities.

Our Elementary students enjoy 8-9 off-campus field trips where a few parents enjoy joining us on our outings.

Bible Lessons begin each day and reminds us Who is in control of the Earth. We thank Him every day for the Lord’s care for all our children, teachers, and families.